Symbiotic Aquaponic, Redlands Community College to Host Educators' Workshop
NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE EL RENO, Okla. (July 25, 2019) – Teachers and educators across the state will meet at Redlands...

Symbiotic Aquaponic to Partner With TIES, Area Organizations in Classroom Aquaponics Project
NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TULSA, Okla. (June 18, 2019) – Symbiotic Aquaponic will collaborate with the Teaching Institute for...

How to Grow and Process Organic CBD Presented by Symbiotic Aquaponic and EOSC
We’re excited to offer an organic CBD production course in collaboration with our educational partner Eastern Oklahoma State College. The...

Learning with Aquaponics in the Outdoors
Customer Liaison, Naturalist & Educational Consultant Reese Hundley asks Drexel students to identify phases of how an aquaponics system...

Touring a Special Aquaponic System
Our systems are versatile - they can be suited to meet your needs. In July, our CEO Kaben Smallwood brought viewers on a tour of a...

Don’t throw out your extra cucumber! Cucumber Sandwiches with Garlic Aioli Recipe
Looking for a way to get rid of some of your cucumber? Try our take on a popular, English teatime classic. It’s perfect for lunch or a...

Introducing STEM to Kindergartners Through Aquaponics
On the beautiful morning of Aug. 23, 11 kindergarten students from Drexel Academy, located in north Tulsa, Oklahoma, explored aquaponics...

Throwback Thursday: First Annual Educators' Aquaponics Workshop
Last month, we hosted our First Annual Educators’ Aquaponics Workshop in conjunction with Redlands Community College. We are grateful for...

STEM Education & Aquaponics - A Natural Fit
Discussing aquaponics at the Farm to Market event with elementary students. Aquaponics is a natural fit for science, technology,...

Aquaponic's Real Estate: Planting Densities
Aquaponics allows for plants to be grown closer together. Unlike in soil agriculture, plants do not have to develop massive root systems...