Symbiotic Aquaponic, Redlands Community College to Host Educators' Workshop

EL RENO, Okla. (July 25, 2019) – Teachers and educators across the state will meet at Redlands Community College in El Reno on Aug. 24 to learn about applying aquaponics curriculum in the classroom. The second annual Educators’ Workshop is hosted in conjunction with Symbiotic Aquaponic, an Oklahoma-based company specializing in aquaponic system design and community empowerment.
“Aquaponics is a form of sustainable agriculture that re-circulates water to grow plants and fish,” said Reese Hundley, Symbiotic Aquaponic Educational Specialist. “It’s also a great tool for teaching students and helping them to think outside of the box.” Hundley said the one- day workshop is designed to introduce teachers to aquaponics and explore potential lessons, activities, and projects that can be integrated into the classroom.
Educators will learn about the different types of aquaponics, dissect fish, talk about building DIY systems, discuss the nitrogen cycle, and review sample lesson plans. While the workshop is primarily designed for high school educators it will include information and tools that all teachers can use in their classrooms regardless of age level.
“Whether the subject is environmental science, biology, chemistry, horticulture, or even agriculture mechanics, aquaponics is completely relevant,” said Hundley. Redland Community College has been an active partner of Symbiotic since 2016. The college has expanded its agricultural programs to include aquaponics.
“Redlands is excited to continue our partnership with Symbiotic Aquaponic for this special workshop,” said Redlands instructor Julie Flegal-Smallwood. “Aquaponics is a cornerstone in our degree plans focusing on Agricultural Sustainability, and we want educators to know their students can pursue these areas at the post secondary level.”
Registration for the Educators’ Workshop is available online at before Aug. 19. Free registration is available to the first 20 participants and $25 for all others. The class is scheduled 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 24 and will be on the campus of Redlands Community College. Continuing Education Units are available to eligible educators.
For more information please contact Regina Cook at or at (918)869-0845.
This release is available in PDF format here.
Regina Greuel-Cook
(918) 360-3037
Wyatt Stanford
(918) 470-8222